When to visit Masai Mara |Seasons and Weather

The question of when to visit the Masai Mara is common. There’s no wrong time to visit Kenya’s premier wildlife area, and there are advantages for every season. This article explores the best times for each part of the year!

Masai Mara is one of Africa’s most famous game reserves. This vast landscape offers visitors plenty to see and do year-round, even if you can’t travel there during migration season!

The Great Migration in Masai Mara

It’s safe to say that the Great Migration is one of the main reasons people travel to the Masai Mara. From July to October, the Mara is the scene of the epic annual trek of 1,5 million wildebeest from the Serengeti to the Masai Mara region. At this time of year, the savannah is teeming with herbivores like wildebeest and zebras. It’s also the time of year for the dramatic Mara and Talek River crossings. Since there is less foliage in the dry season, it is much simpler to spot wildlife.

Although the Masai Mara is a great place to see wildlife any time of year, many visitors time their vacation to coincide with the Great Migration. When the high tourist season begins, the Masai Mara National Reserve and its most visited spots can get quite congested. There’s a chance you’ll be stuck in a line of safari cars bumper to bumper. Hence, it’s best to visit a different time of year or stay at one of the more exclusive and less busy conservancies in the Masai Mara. Learn all about the Great Migration and the seasons in Masai Mara.

Wildlife seasons| When to visit Masai Mara

The Lion Season; January through March

Many babies are born in the Masai Mara immediately after a good rainy season and plenty of food and water. The big cats appear when the plains are alive, with young wildebeest, zebra, and other herbivore calves running around. The months of January through March are known as ” the Lion season.” When the rain stops, there is less grass, making it easier to see animals. With this in mind, this is the best time to see a single lion or a pride.