Meru National Park the Complete Wilderness

wildlife animals of meru national park
The African lion (Panthera leo) is one of the five big cats in the genus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae. Meru National Park, Kenya

Explore the Rich Wildlife of Meru Park

Meru National Park is a captivating and lesser-known destination that offers a serene and authentic safari experience. Popular for its wide variety of wild animals. They include; the African bush elephant, lion, African leopard, cheetah, eastern black rhinoceros, and southern white rhinoceros. Hence, duped as “the complete wilderness.” Meru is home to all the big five, small five, ugly five, and the famous special five wildlife animals.

wildlife photography safari meru national park
Meru, Kenya, Africa. Full body profile of female gerenek running. Focus on the closest animal.

Experience the Equator while at the Complete Wilderness

The equator cuts right through the heart of Meru Park. Ol pejeta Conservancy Safari, Nanyuki, is another Park the Equator line crosses through. 

A Journey through History

Meru National Park gained worldwide fame from the book and film “Born Free.” The enchanting story revolves around George and Joy Adamson as they release hand-raised lions back into the wild of Meru Park. Relive a piece of history while you experience the park’s wild landscapes.

activities of meru national park

While Masai Mara is Kenya’s most visited wildlife destination, Meru Park remains beautifully untouched. As one of the least visited national parks, it offers a wonderfully wild and secluded experience away from the tourist crowds. Hence, Meru Park provides excellent opportunities for Wildlife Photography Safari. In addition, Birdwatching excursions and generally a serene authentic Kenya Safari experience.

meru national park entrance fee
The lilac-breasted roller (Coracias caudatus)

Meru National Park is linked to Kora National Park by George Adamson Bridge. Furthermore, Meru Park has two wildlife National Reserves that act as wildlife dispersal for Meru Park. Bisanandi National Reserve in Isiolo Kenya and Mwingi Game Reserve. At the two main Gates, the Murera Gate and Ura Gate. While on a safari, Tourists can enjoy extra Cultural Tours from the cultural centers by the park entrance gates.

meru national park entrance fee
Elephant family walking in Meru National Park, Kenya

Besides Meru Park, If you would like to have more wildlife Safari, cultural experiences, or Mountain Climbing in the North of Kenya. A tour to Samburu National Reserve,. Mount Kenya Trekking Safari or Olpejeta Conservancy can be an ideal combination with Meru National Park Safari. The Nyambene Hills excursion is also a perfect outdoor Adventure.

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Close-up of baby reticulated giraffe using a tree trunk to hold himself up while he nurses from his mom.

Remember, Meru Park is more than a park; it’s a piece of Kenya’s rich history kept alive through its untamed landscapes and remarkable wildlife. Making it the perfect adventure for any safari enthusiast.

Inquire or Book Meru National Park Safari Now.

Meru national park safari
The plains zebra (Equus quagga, formerly Equus burchellii), also known as the common zebra or Burchell’s zebra, is the most common and geographically widespread species of zebra. Meru National Park, Kenya. Males fighting.
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a photo at Elsas Kopje, during a game drive

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